What are widgets? WordPress Widgets add content and features to your Sidebars. Examples are the default widgets that come with WordPress; for Categories, Tag cloud, Search, etc. Plugins will often add their own widgets. Widgets were originally designed to provide a simple and easy-to-use way of giving design and structure control of the WordPress Theme […]
Genesis Settings Explained
Once Genesis is installed you’ll notice it has its own settings. Genesis > Theme Settings. Watch Me: Where to add Google Analytics
Place Slider Above Blog Archive
What is the first step? First we’ll need to add a new hook for the slider area into our funtions.php file. This will add the widget area into the blog archive template which is page_blog.php. This is built into Genesis, unless your Genesis theme says otherwise. //* Hooks slider above blog content add_action( ‘genesis_before_loop’, ‘riot_above_blog_slider’ ); function riot_above_blog_slider() […]
Installing Genesis Framework & Child Theme
What is the Genesis Framework? Frameworks are intended to be used as a parent theme template where all the functionality resides. Developers can then create a child theme to add custom styling while leaving the functionality aspects of it to the framework. This allows for a centralized location where all the functions are hosted. The […]
Sticky Menu Navigation in Genesis
I get ask this a lot when developing custom GenseisWP themes for clients. I think it’s a really cool feature to add on to your themes. So here’s how to add it to your GenesisWP theme. First you’ll need to enqueue the script by add thing snippet to your functions.php file. Create a new file […]
Create a Call to Action Button
So I was in a facebook group where someone made a comment that you could only create CTA button in your menu using Squarespace. My immediate reaction was “chile please, you gon learn today”. It really blows my mind how many people are so unaware of the non-limitations that WordPress has. You can literally do […]