What is a “Post”? When using your site as just a blog post are content entries listed in reverse chronological order (as the homepage). Older posts are archived based on month and year and can be organized based on categories and tags. Post often encourages a conversation which can easily be done using the comments […]
Creating New Widget Areas
What are widgets? WordPress Widgets add content and features to your Sidebars. Examples are the default widgets that come with WordPress; for Categories, Tag cloud, Search, etc. Plugins will often add their own widgets. Widgets were originally designed to provide a simple and easy-to-use way of giving design and structure control of the WordPress Theme […]
Genesis Settings Explained
Once Genesis is installed you’ll notice it has its own settings. Genesis > Theme Settings. Watch Me: Where to add Google Analytics
Place Slider Above Blog Archive
What is the first step? First we’ll need to add a new hook for the slider area into our funtions.php file. This will add the widget area into the blog archive template which is page_blog.php. This is built into Genesis, unless your Genesis theme says otherwise. //* Hooks slider above blog content add_action( ‘genesis_before_loop’, ‘riot_above_blog_slider’ ); function riot_above_blog_slider() […]
Create a Custom Default Avatar
What is a default Gravatar? Gravatar stands for Globally Recognized Avatar. It is globally recognized because millions of websites use them. It’s the most popular application and platforms like WordPress have built-in support for Gravatar. When a user leaves a comment (with their email address) on a site that supports Gravatar, it pulls their Globally Recognized […]
How To Create A Quiz Using Interact
Buzzfeed really started something with those awesome personality quizzes. There’s nothing like taking a quiz to determine what house you belong to at Hogwarts. I’m Gryffindor in case you were wondering. Taking a quiz is also fun and who says business always has to be about business? So what’s the tea? Well, first you’ll need […]